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Happy midsommer

After my 4th midsummer in Sweden I've learned a few things about this special day here.
  1. People who haven't lived in Sweden for several years won't get it.
  2. There are always new kinds of Sild to discover.
  3. Not to be surprised when they bring out the strawberry sponge cake, because they have it every year :)
  4. It will probably rain despite your best intentions for outdoor games and barbecues.
  5. Even though this is my best chance to see the sunrise, I'll never stay up late enough to see it, (but this year was the closest!)

But despite the weather this year was definitely one of the best...with some of the best ribs ever!

This entry was posted on Saturday, 23 June 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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