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Archive for December 2012


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I was a big fan of the Korg MS-20 for its gritty bass sounds, but I think I've found my new favorite bass sound on the Korg Polysix, which has just been released for the iPad.

It's Unison Saw Bass is great for recreating the Gary Numan Car's sound...

...and also the Numan inspired "Hiding all the stars" by Chicane.


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I have to say the thing I'm most looking forward to with the new version of Ableton LIVE is the new Push Controller.

Being a drummer who never learned chords and scales and has mostly been reduced to making wobble noises and filter sweeps as a form of musical expression, it looks like a really great way for coming up with musical ideas without having to spend all that time learning musical theory.

This video just makes me want it more.

Mmmm...Mince Pies

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I can never get enough of mince pies over christmas. It's probably to make up for the fact that once Christmas Day is over they completely disappear from the supermarket and you can't find them again until next year.

However, it will always be a mystery that there is no meat in them even though they contain "mince"


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You can always get a good feel for the locals by reading the requirements to get into the local nightclub.

Wet Wet Wet

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I knew it had been wet in England before coming home for Christmas, but wasn't quite prepared for exactly how wet it would be. Since we've been back it's rained every day, and although we we're stuck on the runway for 2 hours before leaving Gothenburg, I've been missing the white christmas there.

Another Rainy Morning in Rossendale

We managedto squeeze in one run during a dry morning before it started raining again, to the surprise of the locals who seemed surprised to see anyone doing anything more than walking to the car.

On another dry afternoon, we were in danger of losing our wellies in the mud as we walked across the top of the moors.

Mud Glorious Mud

At least there's been plenty of Christmas TV to stay warm to inside.