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Rediscovering Flickr

Is it just me, or since flickr updated their app around the time Instagram annoyed everybody by changing their TOC's there seems to be a whole lot more life going on there than there has been for months.

It's been sad to see how Flickr had been left in limbo by Yahoo for years, and as a result has been steadily bleeding to better looking free places for posting and sharing photos (Google+?).  But it's good to see people coming back because they've always been great for setting the rules for how people can use your photos.

I only wish they would hurry up and update their website because I'm pretty sure it hasn't changed since about 2008, while sites like Facebook updates theirs every few months.

You can check out my Flickr Gallery at

This entry was posted on Friday, 25 January 2013. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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