Music | Photography | Fitness | by pete*



I love shooting film and my best shots over the past year or so have all been analogue rather than digital.  But it can be a pain with canisters of only 36 frames and the scanning that has to be done afterwards.

This week I've been playing around with VSCO Film by Visual Supply company for Apple Aperture with some pictures I recently took with my Leica D-Lux 5.  With only a few clicks I was able to quickly bring some warmth and life to the colours...and with all the changes visible in Aperture's workflow it was easy to adjust them to my own person preference while learning a few new tricks about post processing.

While I don't think VSCO film is going to make me trade in my analogue camera gear for a Full frame D-SLR just yet, and it only recreates the look of films like colour negative films like Portra, Fuji and Ilford and not my beloved Cross-Processed Kodak E100G which was discontinued last year (and currently stockpiling).

But it does make me more eager to use my Digital cameras more often as I can finally get a look I am happier with, without spending hours and hours in front of the computer.

This entry was posted on Friday, 25 January 2013. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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