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Funny Feet

I know I should but out there, but I hate running outside in Winter.  It's all the layers you have to put on, followed by the fact that it's still cold once you get out there and probably dark (because it's Sweden).  This means during winter my running is relegated to the treadmill where I have a maximum boredom threshold of 30 mins until I have to get off and do something else.

I've been going more and more minimal with my running shoes for a long time, weening myself off my tank-like Asics Nimbus' into Nike Free Runs for all but the most uneven trails.  But until I'd never gone all the way and tried Vibram Five Fingers even tho I'd bought a pair ages ago.

So yesterday I thought I'd finally give them a go and try a light run on the treadmill at the gym to see how they felt.  Knowing me, I knew the results of this test wouldn't be felt immediately afterwards but the next morning day when I got out of bed, but this morning I'm feeling fine, so maybe I'll start swapping them out for my Nike Free Haven 3.0's on a regular basis.

This entry was posted on Sunday, 2 February 2014 and is filed under ,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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